Andersons Dimension Plus Lawn Food 18-0-4 Pre-Emergent Weed Control and Fertilizer 50 lbs.
50 lb. Bag
The Andersons Dimension with 18-0-4 is professional-grade, pre-emergent weed and feed for established lawns. Containing 0.164% of the active ingredient dithiopyr, Dimension 18-0-4 will provide season-long control of annual grasses and broadleaf weeds. It is especially effective in controlling crabgrass as this product can be applied both prior to emergence and during the early stages of crabgrass growth. Dimension 18-0-4 can be applied in the spring, as well as in late summer or early fall. Made with a small particle size, this product has better, more uniform coverage and more particles per square inch.
- Pre-Emergent Weed Control and Fertilizer
- Feeds the turf while providing season-long control of annual grasses and broadleaf weeds in established lawns.
- Especially effective in controlling crabgrass as it can be applied both prior to crabgrass emergence as well as during the early stages of crabgrass growth.
- Can be applied in the spring, as well as in late summer, early fall
- Safe for use on Kentucky bluegrass, bentgrass, fescue, ryegrass, bahia, bermuda, carpetgrass, centipede, St. Augustine, zoysia, buffalograss and kikuyugrass.
- Small particle size allows for more particles per square inch and more uniform coverage.
- DG Technology allows granules to breakdown into thousands of microparticles with irrigation or rainfall, moving weed control and nutrients directly into the soil.