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Powedery Mildew

Powdery mildew is a common fungal disease of many landscape plants. It does not cause significant damage to the health of the plant, but affects the look of ornamental plants like roses and purple-leaved ninebarks. 

White to gray, powdery spots form on leaves, stems and buds of infected plants. It is often most severe on young leaves and green shoots. Infected leaves may become cupped or twisted and, when severely infected, turn yellow and fall off prematurely during the growing season. In some plants, leaves turn purple to red around the infection. During late summer or early fall, tiny round orange to black balls form within white fungal mats.   

There are number of things that can be done to manage powdery mildew. 

  • Fungicides can be used to protect plants from and treat powdery mildew. 
  • Do not overcrowd plants. Use size at maturity as a spacing guide when planting.
  • Do not fertilize plant infected with powdery mildew. Fertilizer will cause the tree to produce young shoots which are highly susceptible to powdery mildew.
  • Prune plant during winter months to increase light penetration and improve air circulation. During the growing season, prune only to remove severely infected shoots. Pruning can cause the plant to produce new shoots which are highly susceptible to powdery mildew.
Powedery Mildew


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